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P&R China

P&R (China) was established to support our growing customer base in the Asia Pacific region. P&R’s Guangzhou and Shanghai facilities, as well as our joint venture partnerships in Ningbo, Tainan and Kaohsiung, provide us with the ability to provide our customers with high-quality, cost-competitive product, and local engineering, quality and distribution capabilities from Asia. Due to the confidential nature of our operations, all inquiries related to our China Operations should be directed to our Corporate Headquarters.

P&R (中國)是為了亞太地區日漸擴大的市場客戶市場而建立. 目前在廣東以及上海設有營運中心. 另外, 在寧波, 台灣台南, 高雄等地區設有合資工廠. 提供客戶高品質並具價格競爭力的產品. 同時還提供產品設計, 質量管理, 物流等服務. 所有亞洲客戶的需求, 由美國總公司, 以國際標準化品質系統管理.